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Evidence for Quantum Brain

Matti Pitkanen


The recent findings of Kerskens and Lopez suggest quantum coherence in the brain scale. The quantum coherence would make itself visible in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The underlying idea is that gravitation somehow induces spin entanglement between objects of mesoscopic scale and MRI allows us to see the presence of this entanglement by eliminating the effects of ordinary sources of entanglement. It is reported that heartbeat inducing very weak evoked potentials is visible in the MRI pattern and that this demonstrates the existence of some unknown mechanism generating entanglement in scale of 10-4 meters. In this article a proposal of Bose et al for generating entanglement by quantum gravitational interaction between mesoscopic objects is first discussed from the TGD point of view. A superposition of two locations for the objects is required. It is assumed that it is possible to correlate the locations with spin values. Entanglement would be generated by different phases, which evolve to different pairs of components of objects. Mechanisms generating quantum coherence in scales of at least 10-4  meters and giving rise to a superposition of locations are needed but are difficult to imagine in the standard view of quantum gravitation. In TGD, the mechanism is different. Gravitational Planck constant ħgr = Gm/v0 associated with Earth-test particle interaction could generate quantum coherence in even brain scale and gravitational Compton length Λgr = GM/v0 ≃ .45 meters, where v0c a velocity parameter characterizes the lower bound for the quantum gravitational coherence scale. The analogs of magnetized states assignable to microscopic objects of size scale 10-4 meters take the role of spins and spin-spin interaction generates the entanglement,  which is detected by measuring the spin of either object just as in the case of ordinary spins.

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ISSN: 2153-8212