Quantum Mind, Magnetic Body, and Biological Body
The article is devoted to detailed applications of TGD inspired view about Quantum Mind. Magnetic body carrying dark matter and forming an onion-like structure with layers characterized by large values of Planck constant is the key concept. Magnetic body is identified as intentional agent using biological body as sensory receptor and motor instrument. EEG is identified as a communication and control tool of the magnetic body and a fractal hierarchy of analogs of EEG is predicted. Living system is identified as a kind of Indra's net with biomolecules representing the nodes of the net and magnetic flux tubes connections between then. The reconnection of magnetic flux tubes and phase transitions changing Planck constant and therefore the lengths of the magnetic flux tubes are identified as basic mechanisms behind DNA replication and analogous processes and also behind the phase transitions associated with the gel phase in cell interior. The model of DNA as topological quantum computer is discussed as an application. A general model for qualia is introduced. The identification of the correlates of the fundamental qualia as quantum number increments for a subsystem is in a complete analogy with the identification of quantum numbers as characterizers of physical states. A general classification of qualia based on thermodynamical notions is discussed and a mechanism generating sensory qualia is proposed. Also the question whether some qualia could correspond also to those of magnetic body is raised. The capacitor model for sensory receptor based on the idea that sensory qualia are generated in the analog of di-electric breakdown introducing a ow of large number of particles with quantum numbers characterizing the quale. A model for the cell membrane as sensory receptor and as qualia chart with lipids serving as its pixels is developed. Although sensory rorgans are assumed to define the seats if the fundamental qualia also neurons would define sensory homunculi not necessarily responsible for sensory mental images at our level of self hierarchy. Cell membrane is assumed to be a quantum critical system taken to mean that it is near to a vacuum extremal of so called Kahler action. This explains large parity breaking in living matter (chiral selection) very difficult to understand in standard model. The model explains the peak frequencies of visible light for photoreceptors and predicts that biophotons and bunches of EEG photons result as decay products of same dark photons with energies mostly in visible range. The model of nerve pulse relies on the hypothesis that axonal membrane de_nes a Josephson junction. The ground state of the axon corresponds to a propagating soliton sequence for the phase difference over the membrane mathematically analogous to a sequence of coupled gravitational penduli with a constant phase difference between neighboring penduli. Nerve pulse is generated as one kicks one of the oscillating penduli. The model of nerve pulse explains the generation of EEG. The resonance frequencies of EEG can be understood as sums and di_erences of the harmonics of cyclotron frequencies of biologically important dark ions and of Josephson frequency.
ISSN: 2153-8212