From the Quantum AGI Revolutions to Realism and Observing the Soul
This paper outlines a new worldview – a way to add precision and unify three key strands of human culture whose conflicts have been growing and even threaten global wars: (1) hard core realistic physics, using new mathematical results to justify a return to physical reality, initially using the multiverse concept to design new technologies, but rising to justify Einstein’s viewpoint (Carmeli, 2001); (2) artificial general intelligence (AGI), already being deployed all over the world, with orders of magnitude extensions from a new patent on quantum AGI (QAGI™, (Werbos, 2024b)), grounded in realistic quantum electrodynamics (QED); and (3) a great resurgence of interest in and importance of deep human potential, pointing to a need for deeper and more complete probing of what is really possible for dark matter, qi and soul.
ISSN: 2153-8212