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The Infinite Geometry of The Mind

Uziel Awret


The (brief) experience of awe that is caused by a consciousness that catches a brief glimpse of itself and refuses to be ‘put in its place’ is unmediated and revelatory.

  • I will try and relate the geometry of the (empty) mind to infinity, by briefly exploring sacred spaces and cultural connections between consciousness, awe and infinity.
  • I will argue that both consciousness and infinity are ‘awe’ inspiring because they cannot be contained.
  • I will argue that questions about the constitution of consciousness can benefit from questions about the constitution of space.
  • I will argue that an Anti de Sitter space structure that is ‘finite from without but infinite from within’ is well suited for the egocentric space of the mind, allowing for the possibility that we are ‘island universes’ of sorts.

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ISSN: 2153-8212