The Relational-Matrix Model of Reality I: The Development of the Model
In this article, we will describe the behavior of spatial content within the context of a defined spatial construct. This description will leave us with a model of space-time as a dynamic structure. For reasons that will later become clear, we will call this model the relational-matrix model. Once the relational-matrix model has been developed, we will then demonstrate in the next article how the functioning of this dynamic spatial structure can account for certain basic aspects of the nature and behavior of physical reality. Specifically, within the context of the relational-matrix model, we will account for the following aspects of physical reality: (1) the relationship between space and time, including the basis of temporal relativity, as well as the precise nature of time as a function of the dynamic aspect of the spatial structure; (2) the basis of the speed-of-light constant, including why the frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation are inversely related as a function of that constant; (3) the basis of Planck’s constant, including why the energy associated with electromagnetic radiation exists in discrete amounts, or quanta; (4) the nature of gravitation, including why matter and gravitation are always associated and why gravitation is universally attractive; (5) the equivalence of the gravitational and inertial forces; (6) the relationship between electromagnetic radiation and gravitation; (7) the nature of energy; (8) wave/particle duality; and (9) the uncertainty principle.
ISSN: 2153-8212