A New Approach to Creational and Human Intelligence Related to the Study of Colour and Its Influence: Part II
All technological equipment we invent and use for quantifying life, colour and light are only an extension and derived out of available human intelligence, and as such it may not be of first importance. Rather, it seems that the research of futuristic human and creational intelligence is of first importance, and here the phenomena of the appearance and influence of light and colour may give crucial understandings. This article is about colour. Foremost of all it is an attempts to explore a new approach to the study of colour and its influence, not by making colour the central focus, but by making us humans the central focus and the way we function and operate. Within this perspective, a new model of colour exploration will be launched based on creational intelligences relating to human intelligences.
Part II of this article covers “The Five Intelligences in Colour Research” - White Intelligence: Permissions; Green Intelligence: Union of Senses; Yellow Intelligence: Evaluation; Blue Intelligence: Meaning; Red Intelligence: Reality; Additional Note; and References.
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