Simulated Effects of Sudden Increases in Electromagnetic Activity on Deviations in Random Electron Tunnelling Behaviour Associated with Cognitive Intention
Reliable evidence from the Jahn-Dunne studies conducted over several decades indicated that human proximity can affect the dynamics of certain processes that strongly depend upon “random” processes. Random Event Generators (REG) operate through “random” electron tunneling through spaces that are within the same order of magnitude as synapses. If the mechanisms by which these human-machine interactions occur involve electromagnetic processes, then application of specific temporally patterned magnetic fields to the human volume should affect the strength of the deviation from “random” variations. Whole-body exposure to ~400 nT, complex-patterned magnetic fields based upon 3 ms point durations reversed the effects of normal “intention” upon the operation of REGs. The energies generated within the cerebral volume by that field if emitted as irradiative power were within the range of the mass equivalent of an electron at the level of p-n junction of the semiconductor. These results support the hypothesis that “intention” can be affected experimentally and the energies within the vicinity of the actual dynamic space (~1 µm2) of the p-n junction of the REG match the extended power of the magnetic energy contained within the cerebrum.
ISSN: 2153-8212