What Is EEG Made of?
A model for EEG as a communication tool of magnetic body is developed. The basic assumption is that communications from cell membrane occur by Josephson radiation inducing the analogs of cyclotron transitions: this leads to resonance conditions forcing the Josephson frequencies to be equal to cyclotron frequencies in the simplest situation. Music metaphor- in particular the metaphor "right brain sings, left brain” talks - allows to further develop the earlier model. One must generalize the original assumption concerning the allowed values of magnetic field Bend at flux tubes of the magnetic body: this generalization was forced already by the quantum model of hearing. The model leads to a detailed identification of sub-bands of EEG in terms of cyclotron frequencies assignable to bosonic ions. One can understand the basic features of various EEG bands, why conscious experiences possible occurring during sleep are not remembered and the four stages of sleep, why beta amplitudes are low and tend to be chaotic, the origin of resonance frequencies of EEG. Also a model for how Schumann resonances could affect consciousness emerges. Music metaphor allows one to develop in more detail the earlier proposal that nerve pulse patterns defined a language with "phonemes" having duration of 0.1 seconds and obeying genetic code with 6 bits. Also the right brain sings metaphor can be given a detailed quantitative content in terms of the analog of music scale associated with the resting potential.
ISSN: 2153-8212