The Flow of Being & the Creation of Suffering
By clinging to and resisting the forms, the experiences, that arise within our Consciousness, we unconsciously Flow our Consciousness in opposition to Itself, and in so doing we provide resistance to our own Flow of Consciousness, thereby reducing that Flow of Consciousness, which reduction in Flow of Consciousness is apprehended by the Consciousness that is reducing its own Flow as suffering, as the self-induced constriction and seeming suffocation and of its own Being. The reactive clinging to and resistance of the forms, the experiences, that arise within Consciousness, occurs as a result of formless Consciousness misidentifying Itself with forms that also arise within Itself, causing Consciousness to know itself as what is really nothing more than a collection of forms, which collection of forms is collectively referred to as the ego. Once form-identification is established, i.e., once Consciousness knows itself as an ego, as a me, it then seems that other forms can be added to or subtracted from the collection of forms that Consciousness mistakenly knows as itself, thereby establishing the basis for the reactive movements of attachment and aversion, for our reactive clinging to and resisting of form, by which reactive movements we unconsciously Flow our Consciousness in opposition to Itself and so unconsciously create our own suffering.
ISSN: 2153-8212