The Integrative Brain Theory
The element of conscious interpretation remained an unknown fact for more than a century. It can be realized from the observation that the theories explaining consciousness have changed over time. It is still difficult to explore a relationship between the brain activity and the conscious mind, the involved neuronal processes, and how do we determine an appropriate motor response. Determinately, a testable theoretical description will be more paramount and acceptable to consciousness. In this article, we will amass information on different theoretical models explaining consciousness, and later, the electromagnetic concept will be discussed in the form of an integrative brain theory (IBT). We claim that IBT gives a complete description of conscious meaning, motor response, and differences in basic sensory modalities at one moment in time. In this theory, the electromagnetic field effects (accompanying spatial patterns of neuronal activity) bind the processed information and serve as a medium of detection. A temporal relationship of these spatial field effects may engender an overall meaning of a perception. The linear polarization frequency is suggested to exist along the surface of cortical dendrites, and possibly differentiate the basic sensory modalities. A simple experiment can evaluate the presence of dendritic polarization rates and, therefore, the dipole idea of cortical activity may become less consequential for the differences in basic sensory modalities.
ISSN: 2153-8212