The Biophysics of Values & Social Harmony: The Complementarities of Energy~Mind~Spirit a Triune Approach
As humanity enters a new cycle of actualizing its potentials for goodness, wellbeing, freedom, justice, the pursuit of happiness and even the attainment of holiness, sainthood or God’s Consciousness, wise humans, philosophers, scientists and artists, amongst others, are called to responsibly and openly articulate the complementarities of the triunity of energy~mind~spirit and how the existence of such a dynamic systemic triunity is active in the creative process and the manifestation of constructive and intelligent actions towards a benevolent and harmonious social dynamics. Since the complexities involved in this undertaking are enormous and since we need to improve our mental and mathematical models of reality and ideally, through inspiration and insight, create new models derived from new understandings of reality in a broader sense (energy~mind~spirit), for this work, we will introduce the reader to the biophysics of values, consciousness and its social implications, as well as new paradigms to address this challenge.
ISSN: 2153-8212