DMT, Pineal Gland & the New View on Sensory Perception
What distinguishes TGD from neuroscience is that sensory receptors are assumed to serve as carriers of sensory percepts. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) providing new view about time and memory allows one to solve the basic objections related to phantom limb phenomenon: Pain in phantom limb would be sensory memory. The assumption that sensory percepts are artworks rather than passive records of sensory input requires virtual sensory input from brain to sensory organs and build-up of the final percept by pattern recognition - An iterative procedure involving very many forth and back signals. Nerve pulse transmission is quite too slow a process to allow this and signals propagating with maximal signal velocity are suggestive. Nerve pulses and neurotransmitters would not represent real communication but give rise to temporary intra-brain communication lines along which communications as dark photon signals would take place with maximal signal velocity using dark photons (characterized by heff/h=n) transforming to biophotons in an energy conserving manner. Neurotransmitters and also other information molecules (hormones, messengers) attached to receptors would serve as bridges fusing permanent but disjoint communication lines along axons to a connected temporary communication line for dark photons to propagate. Nerve pulses would also generate generalized Josephson radiation allowing communications between biological body (BB) and magnetic body (MB) using EEG. Meridian system would be permanently connected system of communication lines. This picture leads to a concrete proposal about the roles of DMT and pineal gland concerning imagination and dreams and hallucinations.
ISSN: 2153-8212