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Space, Time, & Consciousness (Part 4): Possible Enablers and Barriers to Dimensional Perception

Jack H. Hiller


The frozen time theory and tripartite domain papers acknowledge that our ordinary perception in our material domain separates time as an abstraction with space having three extended spatial dimensions. But in the second domain, as defined to be filled with consciousness and entities made of light, it was hypothesized that time also exists as an extended spatial dimension, so that different times in the material domain would correspond to different locations—without time running. This paper analyzes why common sense regards time in the material domain to have a different character than space. The analysis keys off of Abbott’s clever Flatland satire. It is argued that, while common sense regards space as perceptible, but time is regarded as an imperceptible abstract concept only, when time is termed “duration,” perception of time and space are equally abstract, and equally perceptible for the objects of sense-perception in the material domain.

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ISSN: 2153-8212