How to live a Spiritual Life as a Family on the Land? A Crucial Choice for Humanity
Living on the land in a rural and pristine environment opens up an opportunity to create a platform that allows oneself to focus on spiritual growth and the experience and embodiment of spiritual values like love, balance, strength, truth and nature amongst others, without the distractions and hastiness of most urban lifestyles [1]. Living in harmony with the land in a natural environment fosters Inner Peace, healthy living and social harmony, both in the nuclear family as well as in extended forms of family-like communities, monasteries, or ashrams, for example. In the authors’ views and personal experiences, individuals and families that embrace spiritual values have the potential to overcome fragmentation and disharmonies that interfere with the organising and integrative principles operating at the core of humans and human civilisation [2]. When a family or community commits to the embodiment of Inner Peace and aligns with and shares both a vision and values, it will enable them collectively and individually to respond appropriately in order to counteract destructive forces and chaos in general, which have shaped human adversities like illness, addictions, social upheavals, depletion of natural resources, pollution, war and the collapse of life systems in the manner that can be witnessed in the world today [3-4]. Moreover, a spiritually meaningful life comes with a propensity to cultivate the kind of creativity that may generate new insights and restorative paradigms towards a spiritual~material synthesis. Such a choice will strengthen the ethical, moral and spiritual commitments and promote kindness and actions of love towards other human beings and the environment at large that can manifest a robust, sustainable and desired future [5]. Decision making based on spiritual values and wisdom brings a fundamental change in education and the development of technologies for example and will support the move towards plant-based organic farming lifestyles that incorporate vegetable and flower gardens, other aesthetic and useful crops, orchards and forests, which create and maintain a biodiverse, healthy, pristine and beautiful landscape that supplies the basic needs for human life. A plant-based wholefood diet that comes with it and is predominantly based on the produce locally grown on the land restores and maintains human health and wellbeing [6-9]. This kind of spiritual and general wellbeing centred life, shapes the human soul and its potential for Inner Peace and sanctity and the knowledge of the sacred, grounded in a dignified self. This, we assert, leads to the knowledge of oneself in the highest form of being, the I Am Identity, and contributes to the improvement of social harmony and individual and collective peace.
ISSN: 2153-8212