The Explosion of Consciousness: TSC Conference Tucson Arizona 2012
It may be said that TSC conference 2012 was an explosion of consciousness with a wide variety of presentations related to consciousness. The war of the worldviews was an interesting introduction to the conflict between the spiritual and material accounts of consciousness, but in the end there was a sense that more effort should be placed on establishing some common ground. There was a great deal of focus on neurology and NCC. This is likely due to the advances in the field of neuroimaging that allow the localization of brain function and the effects of connectivity. This conference also featured a new marriage between consciousness and fractals. New modalities of consciousness were also seen. There was also interesting research on precognition. In addition, there were many new and exciting topics in the poster presentations which ranged from quantum physics to plant sensitivity to human emotion. So overall, this was a well organized conference with many excellent presentations from many different areas that are moving toward a science of consciousness.
ISSN: 2153-8212