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Taos Hum, Stochastic Resonance & Sensory Perception

Matti Pitkanen


Taos hum is an experimentally well-established anomalous phenomenon which has escaped rational explanations. Very concisely, taos hum seems is apparently a subjective experience without identifiable objective counterpart and could thus provide an application for the sensory canvas hypothesis. The TGD based model for EEG is based on dark Josephson radiation generated by cell membrane Josephson junctions in the energy range of visible and UV light and covering a wide frequency range. The model explains bio-photons and EEG photons as manifestations of one and same thing. Taos hum might be perhaps understood in terms of this kind of Josephson radiation at microwave frequencies generated by living matter during night-time and possibly providing some organisms with an active vision. The emission of negative energy dark photons could also make it possible for plants to suck metabolic energy from environment in the absence of solar radiation. Also other interpretations might be considered and the most recent idea suggests a connection with quantum gravitation which plays a key role in TGD inspired quantum biology. The proposed generalization of the notion of stochastic resonance inspired by the zero energy ontology of TGD could also serve as a mechanism of Taos hum. The bistable state would be replaced by a pair of states with an opposite arrow of time so that the mechanism would be universal. Zero energy ontology would explain the thermodynamically questionable ability of the system to extract energy from white noise assumed in the standard model of stochastic resonance.

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ISSN: 2153-8212