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Societies of Saints

J. J. Joshua Davis


The reader is introduced to the power of transpersonal psychology to advance societies of saints, based on a paper titled, “THE EMBODIMENT OF SPIRITUAL VALUES: THE POWER OF TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND THE CONNECTIVE PARADIGM OF MELCHIZEDEK TO ADVANCE SOCIETIES OF SAINTS AND REDEFINE IDENTITY, HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AND JURISDICTION” (Davis, Gillett & Warter, 2024). At the time of this writing, the paper is in the process of being reviewed.

In the present introduction and reflection of the above-mentioned paper, several aspects are covered, as follows: a) brief summary and tour, from radical behaviorism to holiness, (b) some ideas about the transition from human to super-human cognition and consciousness, (c) an introduction to the Connective Paradigm of Melchizedek, (d) an introduction to The Embassy of Peace, and (e) some future perspectives in transpersonal psychology.

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ISSN: 2153-8212