Increased Photon Emissions from the Right But Not the Left Hemisphere While Imagining White Light in the Dark: The Potential Connection Between Consciousness and Cerebral Light
Measurements by a photomultiplier tube at distances of 15 cm from the head demonstrated significant increases in biophoton energies along the right side but not the left when subjects imagined white light in a dark environment. The increased power density of ~ 3 x 10-11 W/m2 did not occur when the same subjects thought about mundane experiences. The calculated increased photon energy while imagining white light was equivalent to the involvement of action potentials from about 107 cerebral cortical neurons. These values are consistent with the typical numbers of neurons involved with imaginative states as inferred from fMRI technologies and the hypothesized origins of biophotons from lipid and redox reactions within cell membranes. We suggest these results support Bόkkon's hypothesis that specific visual imagery is strongly correlated with the release of biophotons and may be the actual experience of organized matrices of photons. The cognitive coupling with photon emissions would also support the electron spin-mediated hypothesis of Hu and Wu for the origin of consciousness.
ISSN: 2153-8212