Time Reversed Self
Quantum measurement theory based on Zero Energy Ontology (ZEO) leads to a precise identification of the notion of self as a sequence of state function reduction at same boundary of causal diamond (CD) referred to as passive boundary. The Self dies and re-incarnates at the opposite boundary of CD as the first state-function reduction to opposite boundary of CD eventually forced by Negentropy Maximization Principle (NMP) takes place. To test this rather dramatic prediction through direct personal experience one should die first but there is a more clever manner to do it if one believes that selves form a hierarchy such that sub-selves define mental images of self. Mental images indeed die and re-incarnate all the time and this means that death of mental image should generate time reverse mental images. Is it possible to experience time-reversed mental image and how it differs from the original? Sensory-motor rhythm is a good candidate for this process: sensory mental image dies and re-incarnates as a mental imaged representing motor action. Sensory perception is motor action in reversed direction. Time reversed cognition, reverse speech and writing are interesting phenomena allowing possibility to test these ideas. Also figure-background illusion and other kinds of illusions might give support for the notion of time-reversed mental image.
ISSN: 2153-8212