Spectral Power Densities of the Fundamental Schumann Resonance Are Enhanced in Microtubule Preparations Exposed to Temporally Patterned Weak Magnetic Fields: Implications for Entanglement
Preparations of microtubules (MT) from mouse melanoma cells emitted predictable photon counts when sampled 50 times per s (every 20 ms) that depended upon the numbers of these preparations. Counterbalanced serial 4 min exposures of the same MT to different temporally patterned magnetic fields with intensities between 3 and 10 μT did not alter the absolute photon emissions but shifted their spectral power densities (SPD). Compared to baseline (no field) 4 min periods there were conspicuous increases of power within the 7.7 to 7.8 Hz band during the 4 min exposures to patterned magnetic fields that facilitate long-term potentiation in neurons but not during exposures to a pattern associated with analgesia. A priori predictions of the shift in frequency (Δf) based upon the median mass of tubulin dimers, known numbers of unit charges per dimer, and the strength of the applied fields predicted a range between 0.11 and 0.14 Hz. SPD demonstrated two peaks at 7.74 Hz and 7.87 Hz or a Δf=0.13 Hz. The results indicate only 4 min exposures of microtubule preparations to specifically physiologically patterned magnetic fields associated with memory consolidation enhance the power of the numbers of photon emissions in a frequency band that is very similar to the fundamental Schumann Resonance.
ISSN: 2153-8212