Demonstration of Excess Correlation in Non-Local Random Number Generators Sharing Circular, Changing Angular Velocity Magnetic Fields
To test if temporally-coupled diametric shifts in parity could be demonstrated for non-local distances between “random” events generated by electron tunnelling-based circuits, two REG (Random Event Generators) were each exposed within a circular array of solenoids separated by 10 m. Each circular array generated a patterned rotating magnetic field that has previously produced transient excess correlation and entanglement in photon reactions and alterations in pH in spring water. During a 30 min interval the REGs were exposed first to an accelerating group velocity embedded with a diminishing frequency/phase-modulated field (the primer) followed by a decelerating group velocity embedded with an increasing frequency/phase-modulated magnetic field (the effector). Only after exposures for about 4 min to the second (effector) condition that is known to manifest the effects of entanglement did the random numbers deviate significantly and by more than one standard deviation in an opposite direction to each other. The estimated increments of energy were between 10-21 and 10-20 J which is within the range of the energy derived from the universe’s total force per Planck’s voxel distributed over the distance of the hydrogen wavelength. These results indicate that excess correlation can be generated within “random”, quantum electronic processes whose spatial domains are similar to neuronal synapses at the macro-level by appropriate applications of weak, microTesla level, magnetic fields.
ISSN: 2153-8212