Consciousness, Quantum Mechanics, Duality, Monism and Vedanta: Speculations and Facts
Wave-particle duality, inseparability of the observed from the observer, and the role of observation in Niels Bohr’s complementarity principle, have been central to most discussions in the quantum mechanical context of consciousness and monistic Advaita Vedanta philosophy. With regard to wave-particle duality and complementarity, recently it has been shown that the physical particle always remains particle and the mathematical wave function associated with it always remains a wave defining probabilities. This impacts viewpoints not only of wave-particle duality, but also of wave function collapse, entanglement, action-at-a-distance and others, often cited in context of consciousness. We discuss these new developments, improve objective clarity and reduce subjective vagueness regarding quantum mechanical phenomena. Additionally, we show that when probability is quantified, claims made about consciousness influencing physical outcomes through observation have such low probability (< 10-10) that for all practical purposes they can be regarded as speculations.
ISSN: 2153-8212