Is the Double Slit Experiment about the Nature of Reality or the Nature of Perception?
The famous Double Slit Experiment (DSE) changed our concept of reality. It led to the view that the basic building blocks of matter and energy can take the form of either waves or particles, and what makes the difference is whether or not they are observed. As Niels Bohr concluded, “Until we’re conscious of something, it doesn’t exist.” A new theory of consciousness, however, suggests a different interpretation of the DSE results. The theory of the Holographic Mind (HM) contains many of the same elements as the DSE. In particular, the HM describes how observation converts wave patterns into 3D images. This suggests that the same DSE dynamics which led researchers to upend our notion of reality, might be less about the nature of reality, than about how we derive information about reality; that is, the nature of perception.
ISSN: 2153-8212