

Cover Page

Vol 10, No 7 (2019): Space, Time, & Consciousness

Focus Issue Featuring the Work of Jack H. Hiller, Ph.D., J.D.

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Vol 10, No 6 (2019): Attributes, Changing Levels & Cosmic Perspectives of Consciousness, Extended Special Relativity, & Mechanism of Xenon Anesthetic Action

Continuously Changing Levels of Consciousness; Extended Special Relativity & the ‘Now’ of Observation; Mechanism of Xenon Anesthetic Action; Cosmic Perspective of the Beginning; Cosmology Based on Attributes of Consciousness; Exploration of Mind in Mind; & Nothingness & the Fractal of Self.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1694778932).

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Vol 10, No 5 (2019): Enigma of Enlightenment, Holarchical Representation, & Creation of Consciousness

The Enigma of Enlightenment; Holarchy Representing Morphic Resonance; The Creation of Consciousness; Quantum Consciousness & Microtubule; & Moon, Schumann Wave & Human Mind.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1688230742).

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Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Functional Modelling of Consciousness & Exploration of Higher Dimensional State

Model for Human, Artificial & Collective Consciousness; Sowed in Spacetime; Polynomial Universe; Exploration of Purpose of Creation; Possible Higher Dimensional States; Oscillating Higher Dimensional States; & Numerical Solution of Schumann Wave Equation.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 107821235X).

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Vol 10, No 3 (2019): Outside-In/Inside-Out, Referential Dynamics, Quale of Time, & Memory Recall

Consciousness from the Outside-In and Inside-Out; Levels of Referential Dynamics; Quale of Time; Life Science with Interface to Quantum Physics; TGD Based View of Memory Recall; & Science beyond Science.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1096125722).

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Vol 10, No 2 (2019): The Original Principle & Cosmic Perspective of Consciousness

Towards a More Comprehensive Theory of Everything; Discourse on Consciousness in a Cosmic Perspective; Exploration of Higher Dimensional State; Unified Field of Cosmic Consciousness.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1090690487).

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Vol 10, No 1 (2019): Origin of Universe & Web of Consciousness

Making America Great Again; Origin of Universe & Various Dimensions; What Is the Fundamental Process? Complex Möbius Field: The Web of Consciousness.

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Vol 9, No 9 (2018): Models of Consciousness, Emotion & Sensory Perception

CHI Model of Functional Consciousness; Perspective on Consciousness; Integral Triune Model of Human Consciousness; Global Consciousness & Human Radiance; RNA & Expression of Molecular Emotions; & Sensory Perception & Motor Action.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1793312761).

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Vol 9, No 8 (2018): Emotive Source, Figure of the Observer & Basis of Pure Consciousness

Time, Life & the Emotive Source; Representation & the Figure of the Observer; Neural Basis of Pure Consciousness; Human & Other Souls; Memory & Gravity; Propagation of Thoughts as Quantum Waves; Science of Spirituality, Wellbeing & Creativity; & Emergence of Crop Circle.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1731485611).

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Vol 9, No 7 (2018): Consciousness, Quantum Model, Urantia Book, & Persinger’s Legacy

Quantum Consciousness & the Urantia Book; The Organizing Principle of the Universe; The Nature of Cause & Effect; A Completeness Theorem; Approach to Brain Wave Emission; Ultra High Energy Psychons; Advances in Integrative Health; & Persinger: A Pioneer in Neuromagnetism

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1726812251).

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Vol 9, No 6 (2018): Brain-to-Brain Interaction at a Distance & Role of Consciousness in Organizations

Brain-to-Brain Interaction at a Distance; The Role of Consciousness in Organizations; Evolution of the Universe & Cosmic Consciousness; On Cancer Tumor Consciousness Waves; Sacred Number & Consciousness; On Masaru Emoto's Emotional Imprinting of Water; Science behind Synchronization of Our Brains; & Are We Present Everywhere at all the Times?

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 172315461X).

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Vol 9, No 5 (2018): Cosmic Intelligence, Its Manifestation & Humanity

This is a Focus Issue featuring Srinivasan Rengarajan’s work.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1721578099).

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Vol 9, No 4 (2018): Being, Evolution & Hypothesis of Consciousness

Doing, Thinking & Being; ESP, Hallucinations & ASC; Evolution of Consciousness; Seeds of Quantum Mechanics; Concept of Spacetime & Consciousness; & The Qualk Hypothesis of Consciousness.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1717573347).

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Vol 9, No 3 (2018): On Consciousness, Emotion, Artificial Intelligence & Meaning of Life

Artificial Intelligence, Natural Intelligence & TGD; Dance of the Honeybee & New Physics; Consciousness, Cosmology & the Meaning of Life; Emotions, Sensory Percept & Magnetic Body; DMT, Pineal Gland & Sensory Perception; Interaction of Information in the Brain with Itself; & The Possibility of Reversing Alzheimer's Disease.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1717556299).

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Vol 9, No 2 (2018): Biophysics & the Deeper Meanings of Inner Peace & Social Harmony

This is a Focus Issue featuring the work of the Embassy of Peace: The Biophysics of Values & Social Harmony; Pragmatic Information, Intentionality & Consciousness; 100-Year Horizon of Planetary Peace Propagation; & Dynamics of the Peace Propagation Process.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1986183246).

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Vol 9, No 1 (2018): Model of Free Will, Third Level Consciousness & Process and Entanglement of Consciousness

A Model of the Free Will Phenomenon; Quantum Process of Consciousness; Study of the Third Level Consciousness; Mesostratum, Entanglement & Consciousness; & Samapatti & Creative Dying.

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Vol 8, No 11 (2017): Observer as Consciousness, Self-Reference of Consciousness, & Integration of Analog & Digital Codes

Observer as Consciousness (?): Quantum Mechanics & von Neumann Chain; The Self-Referential Aspect of Consciousness; The Origin of Consciousness in the Integration of Analog & Digital Codes; Human Radiance; Hidden Order; & How Nonlocal Is Consciousness?

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1983827088).

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Vol 8, No 10 (2017): Quest for a Better & More Peaceful World

This is a Focus Issue featuring the recent work of Pradeep B. Deshpande & associates: Quest for a Better & More Peaceful World; Were Ancient Sages Great Scientists? Entities Confining Other Entities (ECE); Pursuit of Zero Defects for National Transformation; Assessment of the Efficacy of Meditation Practices; Six Sigma Unravels Science of Meditation; Energy Field of Mothers Caring for Unwell Children; Explanation of the Maharishi Effect by Holographic Principle; Decipherment of Scientific Wisdom of Bhagvad Geeta; How the US Could Keep Its Decline at Bay Longer; & Scientific Framework for National Transformation.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 198136997X).

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Vol 8, No 9 (2017): Out-of-Body Experience, Effect of Language on Intellect & Entities Confining Other Entities

Out-of-Body Experience: Review & a Case Study; Enlightenment & Entrapment of Language; Entities Confining Other Entities (ECE); Gestalt Principle in the Design of Brain; & Model of Cancer Growth Wave (“Consciousness”).

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10 1979715432).

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Vol 8, No 8 (2017): Structure of Consciousness, Thermodynamics of Life & Weight of the World

The Emergent Structure of Consciousness (Part I & II); Body-Independence of Consciousness; Consciousness & the Thermodynamics of Life; The Weight of the World; & Syntropy & Precognitive Interdiction.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1976509793).

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Vol 8, No 7 (2017): Psychoanalysis & Cosmic Order, Yogic Perspective on Cancer & Noetic Origin of Sexual Preference

Psychoanalysis & Cosmic Order (Part I & II); A Yogic Perspective on Cancer; Consciousness, Science & Religion; The Noetic Origin of Sexual Preference (Part I-IV); & On the Formation of Human Consciousness.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1975839129)

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Vol 8, No 6 (2017): Consciousness, Schumann Field, Alpha-Omega & Bohm’s Pilot Wave

This is a Focus Issue featuring Miroslaw Kozlowski & Janina Marciak-Kozlowska’s work: Equation for Consciousness Schumann Field; Consciousness, Alpha & Omega Points; Human Consciousness & Bohm’s Pilot Wave; Homo Divinus & the Moon; & Release of Human Brain Energy at Death.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN-10: 1975815769).

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Vol 8, No 5 (2017): Exploration of Self-Awareness, Self-Information & Self-Salvation within Natural Sciences

Plausible Roads to Self-Awareness in Complex Systems; Human Consciousness: Fifth Force; Consciousness & Biological Dark Matter; Aeons & Consciousness; Continuity of Information-Self; Plausibility of Digitizing Individual Self; De Broglie Phase Waves & Tanmatras of Sankhya; & Excursions from the Mesostratum.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN: 1548359203).

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Vol 8, No 4 (2017): Aether: Immaterial Substance & the God of Physicists

This is a Focus Issue featuring Laurent R. Duchesne’s Work: Aether where Physics meets Philosophy; Aether & Relativity; Space is Material; Aether & Information; Process & Continuity; Reality as Process; Gravity, Inertia & Mass; Holistic Awareness; Consciousness; Thought and Determinism; & Syntropy & Evolution Being, Will, & Purpose.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN: 1546993096).

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Vol 8, No 3 (2017): Models of Consciousness & Conscious Influence

Schrodinger Equation with Consciousness Term; Binding Energy of the Human Brain; Re-examination of TGD-based Consciousness; Rationalization of Creation; Information & the Role of Samapatti; & Conscious Effect on the Double-slit Experiment.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN: 1545412316).

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