

Cover Page

Vol 8, No 2 (2017): The Liberation of Consciousness from Identification with Form

The Liberation of Consciousness from Identification with Form through Non-reactivity; Interaction of Schumann Waves Human Brain; & Spiritual Nature of Consciousness.

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Vol 8, No 1 (2017): Models of Consciousness & Modulation of DNA Life Cycles

Quantum Model of Consciousness; Origin & Modulation of DNA Life Cycles; Science of Creativity & Innovation; On Samapatti Again; The Manifestation of Consciousness; Total Consciousness in Total Simultaneity; & Human Brain & Cosmos.

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Vol 7, No 11 (2016): Special Issue: Theories of Consciousness and Death

Edited by Gregory M. Nixon, Ph.D., Editor-at-Large

What happens to the inner light of consciousness with the death of the individual body & brain? Reductive materialism assumes it simply fades to black. Other theories of consciousness indicate a continuation of the self, a transformation or awakening, or even alternatives based in life experience. In this issue, speculation based in theoretic research is explored.

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Vol 7, No 10 (2016): Quantum Psychon, Mechanism of Thinking & the Qualion Hypotheses

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle & Kant Philosophy; Moving Human with Velocity Approaching Speed of Light; Psychon in Quantum of Consciousness; Evolution, Mind & the Mechanism of Thinking; Brain & Mind in Everett Many-worlds; Exploration on Plausible Tumor Conscious Waves; & Qualion Hypotheses: Physical & Supraphysical Bases of the Conscious Mind.

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Vol 7, No 9 (2016): Cosmic Hierarchies, Neuroscience of Empathy & Transcendent Communication

Cosmic Hierarchies in the Biosphere; Super-ego & the Neuroscience of Empathy; Transcendent Communication between Body & Soul; Theory of Spirituality Based on Meaning Mechanism; Evolution of the Universe towards Consciousness; Inquiry into the Frontiers of Physics; & Report on 2016 SSE Conference on Consciousness.

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Vol 7, No 8 (2016): Human Consciousness, Primordial Consciousness & Physical Basis of Love

Human Consciousness & Primordial Consciousness; Consciousness Theory of Occurrences & Access'Ability; Conjecture Concerning the Physics of Consciousness; & Exploration on the Physical Basis of Love.

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Vol 7, No 7 (2016): Cosmic Being in Evolution, Volitional Motion in Stars & Science of Happiness & Positivity

Cosmic Being as the Meaning of Evolution; Panpsychism as an Observational Science; Science of Happiness & Positivity; GSR & Its Neurological Correlates; The Basics of Biofeedback; & Science & the Perception of Reality.

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Vol 7, No 6 (2016): On View of Mind, Turing Machine, Mind Loop, Self & Nonlocality

Is the Human Mind a Turing Machine? On the Notions of Self & Time; Accessing Atman via Mind Loop; Nonlocality in Remote Mental Interaction (I); Nonlocality in Remote Mental Interaction (II); & Sum of p-adic Negentropies & Real Entropy.

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Vol 7, No 5 (2016): Essays on Universal Consciousness

Universal Consciousness & the Void; Science & Universal Consciousness; Something versus Nothing; The Necessity of Universal Consciousness; Universal Consciousness in Modern Physics; The Uncreated Whole; Mind, Senses, Soul & Universal Consciousness; & Transcendent Nature of Human Consciousness.

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Vol 7, No 4 (2016): TGD-based Exploration of Mathematical Feats, Search on the Sense of Self & Role of QM in Psychology

Number Theoretical Feats & TGD; Mirror Neurons in the Sense of Self; Quantum Physics in Transpersonal Psychology; Integrated Information Theory & TGD; Language & the Cosmic Order; & Science, Subjectivity & Reality.

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Vol 7, No 3 (2016): Nature of Being, Modern Physics, Informatics & Consciousness Transfer

The Metaphysics of Modern Physics; Lithium & Brain in TGD Framework; Informatics & Consciousness Transfer; & Science & Phenomenology in Consciousness Study.

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Vol 7, No 2 (2016): Explorations of Bioenergy, Subjectivity & Evolution of Consciousness

(In Celebration of the Detection of Gravitational Wave by LIGO)

Bioenergy Measurements for Predictive Medical Diagnosis; Functional Role of Acquaintance in Phenomenal Subjectivity (Part I & II); On the Genesis of Consciousness, Culture & Oral Language (Part I, II, II & IV); & Gravitational Wave Detected by LIGO 100 Years after Einstein’s Prediction.

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Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Description of Experiencings, Paraphysical Jurisprudence & the Process of Becoming 'I'

Valid Description of Experiencings, Behaviors & Situations; Paraphysical Jurisprudent Massacre Mediation; The Process of Becoming an 'I' & The Quantum World of Realities (I, II, II & IV); & Application of Variational Cluster Expansion Neuroscience.

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Vol 6, No 12 (2015): Explanation of Samapatti, Cosmic Hyperdimension & Christmas Consciousness

Explaining Samapatti & Knowing without Mind by Vedanta; Entanglement as a Signature of a Cosmic Hyperdimension; & That Which Becomes, There Is No Material World, Awareness, Illusion & Form, the Perfection of Suffering, Stories, the Matrix of Form, Omnipresence, Something from Nothing & Christmas Consciousness.

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Vol 6, No 11 (2015): On Transcendence, Internal Excellence, Psychedelic Experience & Sentient Android

Transcendence beyond Faith; Experimentations on Enhancing Internal Excellence; Psychedelics, Magnetic Body & Information Molecules; Comparison of England's View about Life with TGD Approach; Can Sentient Androids Be Constructed? On Quantum Field Representation of the Mind Field.

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Vol 6, No 10 (2015): Michael Mensky, Quantum Worldview & Buddhism

This is a Focus Issue featuring Graham P. Smetham’s work: The Quantum Worldview of Michael B. Mensky & Buddhism; Why Us: Trespassing on an Anthropic Lawn; On Materialist Darwinian Cosmic Megaverse Landscape; & On the Misrepresentations of Buddhism by Some Philosophers.

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Vol 6, No 9 (2015): Experimental Production of Excess Brain Correlation Across the Atlantic Ocean & Other Important Results

This is a Focus Issue featuring Michael A. Persinger Group’s latest breakthroughs: Experiment Producing Excess Brain Correlation across the Atlantic Ocean; Potential Experimental Demonstration of the Entanglement Velocity of 1023 m·s-1; Enhanced Spectral Power Densities of Schumann Resonance in Microtubule; Demonstration of Excess Correlation in Non-Local Random Number Generators; Quantitative Support for Water as the Conduit for Universal Entanglement; & News: Transatlantic Excess Brain Correlations Are Experimentally Produced.

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Vol 6, No 8 (2015): On the Nature of and Relation Between Form and Formlessness

This is a Focus Issue featuring Steven E. Kaufman’s latest work: On the Nature of & Relation between Form & Formlessness: Introduction; Part 1: The Evolution of the Formless into Form while Creating Lesser Form (1-3); Part 2: The Identification of the Formless with Lesser Form; & Part 3: The Identification of the Formless with Itself (1 & 2).

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Vol 6, No 7 (2015): Explorations on Free Will, Channeling, Mystery of Orbs & Intelligence

Vertical Growth of Intelligence; Channeling as an Altered State of Consciousness; The Problem of Understanding Consciousness; The Integrative Brain Theory; Mystery of the Orbs May Be Solved; The Idea of Will; Quantum Resonance & Consciousness; What Music Can Teach about Consciousness; & Artificial Intelligence & Free Will.

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Vol 6, No 6 (2015): Various Topics on Consciousness

Creation of World from Nothing; Time Reversed Self; Imagination & p-adic Spacetime; TGD Based Model for Anesthetic Action; Yoga, Samapatti & Me; My Impressions of TSC 2015; & Why Teach Science of Internal Excellence.

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Vol 6, No 5 (2015): Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Peace & Universal Values

This Is a Focus Issue Featuring Jeffery Jonathan (Joshua) Davis’ Work: Introduction to the Brain and Paradigm of Melchizedek; Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Peace and Universal Values; Spiritual Values & Their Various Implications on Behaviour; & A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Embodied Spirituality.

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Vol 6, No 4 (2015): Science, Consciousness & Human Values

Consciousness, Science & Values; Vedanta & Conscious Experience; Life, Death, Good and Evil; Intentionality, Cognition & Time; Some Thoughts on Samapatti; The Mirror & Its Reflections; & The Treasure.

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Vol 6, No 3 (2015): Metaverse, Universe, Consciousness & Meme

This Is a Focus Issue Featuring Cyd Ropp’s Work: A Simple Cosmology of the Universe; A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe; and A Simple Model of Memes. This issue also contains the following: I Exist; The Thin Veneer That We Call Reality; & The Actual and the Real.

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Vol 6, No 2 (2015): Explorations on Quantum Field of Consciousness & Levels of Relative Non-locality

Quantum Fields of Consciousness & the Mind (Part I & II); On Non-locality I: Relative Non-locality; On Non-locality II: Quantum Physics & Non-locality; On Non-locality III: Dimensional Biopsychophysics; On Non-locality IV: Necessary Conceptualization; On Non-locality V: More Esoteric Relative Non-locality; & On Non-locality VI: Immediacy & Hierarchies.

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Vol 6, No 1 (2015): On Quantum Theory of Consciousness & Nature of Reality

Quantum Theory of Consciousness & Paradigm Shift in Biology; The Universe Is Composed of That Which Is Aware of the Universe; The Nature of Reality in a Nutshell (Part I & II); The Revealed Relation between Form & the Formless; The Field of Formless Potential.

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