

Cover Page

Vol 5, No 11 (2014): Alterations of Consciousness, Ultimate Reality, The Catuskoti & Self-Realization

Alterations of Consciousness at a Self-Development Seminar; The Catuskoti; On the Ultimate Reality; the Problem of the Self; The Ocean of Consciousness; the Field of Formless Potential; The Mythology of Materialism; That Which Flows; That Which Is Hidden; & the Mythical Brain.

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Vol 5, No 10 (2014): Generation of Elementary Particles & Matrix Law in Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy (Consciousness)

Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model I: Generation of Elementary Particles & Quantum Theory for a Dual Universe Comprised of Spacetime & Momentum-energy Space; Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model II: Generation of Self-Referential Matrix Law & Mathematics of Ether; & Modeling Methods Based on Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model.

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Vol 5, No 9 (2014): Creation of Elementary Particles & Self-referential Matrix Law in Premomentumenergy (Consciousness)

Premomentumenergy Model I: Creation of Elementary Particles & Relativistic QM for a Dual Momentum-Energy Universe in Cosmic Consciousness; Premomentumenergy Model II: Creation of Self-Referential Matrix Law & Mathematics of Ether in Cosmic Consciousness; & Modeling Methods Based on Premomentumenergy Model.

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Vol 5, No 8 (2014): The Mysteries of Self, Qualia, Consciousness & Evolution

On the Mystery of the Self & the Selection Problem; Consciousness & Evolution; Is Qualia Meaning or Understanding? The Dance; Intelligence; Conscious & Unconscious Movement; The Flow of the Great Mother; & Formlessness in the Service of Form.

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Vol 5, No 7 (2014): Indicators of Stress, Consciousness from Nothingness & Reviews of Near Death Experiences

Non-invasive Indicators of Stress and Bioenergy Disruption; Consciousness from Nothingness; Near Death Experiences & Afterlife in Religions; Knowing & knowing; & At One with All Life.

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Vol 5, No 6 (2014): Realizations on Consciousness & the Future of Consciousness Studies

A Vision for the Society for Consciousness Studies; The Nature of "Space" & the Source of Consciousness; Holographic Perspective of Health and Healing; Consciousness, Form, One Light & the Moment; Relations of Consciousness, Flow of Being & Opposition; & Recipe of Consciousness for Transformation.

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Vol 5, No 5 (2014): Effect of Yoga, Field-REG, Paranthropology, Quasicrystal Connection & Mesostratum

Effect of Yoga & Meditation on Consciousness & Mindfulness; REG Effect near Large-Scale Animal Mortality; An Exploration of Paranthropology; A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness”; Infinite Oneness & Nothingness as the Source of Consciousness; Transcendent Nature of Human Consciousness; & Evolution & Modifications of the Mind.

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Vol 5, No 4 (2014): Field-REG, Premonition Monitoring, Alternating Consciousness & New Perspectives on Mind-Brain

Transnational FieldREG Exploration II & Paranthropology; Online Statistical Tracking Study of Precognitive Predictions; From Perception to Infinities and Back to Free Will; The Non-Physical Nature of Consciousness; What Is EEG Made of? An Integral World Perspective; The Role of Quantum Entanglement in Memory; & On the Process of Thinking in Public Life.

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Vol 5, No 3 (2014): Effect of Emotion on REG, God Helmet Study, Roots of Consciousness & Sickness

Effects of Human Group Emotion on Random Event Generator; Yogic Perspective on Health, Novel Assessment & Quantum Approach; Beingness & Experience; Roots of Transformative Consciousness; Sub-quantum Phenomena & Brain-Mind Problem; & Magnetic Stimulation of Brain: “God Helmet” Replication Study.

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Vol 5, No 2 (2014): Mind Over Matter: Experimental Research & Investigation

Deviations in Random Events Associated with Cognitive Intention; Investigation of Materialization of Intentions; Quantum Dipole & Subject-Object Relation (Part I & II); & The Two Faces of Our Three Brains (Part I & II).

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Vol 5, No 1 (2014): The Nature of Quantum Reality: What the Phenomena at the Heart of Quantum Theory Reveal about the Nature of Reality

This is a Focus Issue Featuring Steven E. Kaufman’s Latest Work. Part I of this series of three articles includes: Background; Introduction; and 1. Building a new model of reality. Part II of this series of three articles includes: 2. The nature of quantum reality. Part III of this series of three articles includes: 3. The nature of the wavefunction; 4. There is no spoon; and 5. The connection between quantum physics and eastern philosophy.

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Vol 4, No 10 (2013): Mind, Logic, AI & Fundamental Physics

Image Retrieval Using Semantics of Query Image; Mind, Logic and Mental Diseases; Fundamental Physics: What Is the Big Picture? Non-Turing Computable Origin of Cellular Life; & On the Natures of Quantum Gravity & Graviton.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 9 (2013): Psycho-Physical Bridge, Measurement of Bio-Energy & Alteration of Consciousness

Crossing the Psycho-Physical Bridge; Protocols for Mediating Long-Range Coherence; Measurement of Internal Excellence; Increased Value of Planck Constant? Gender Difference in Altered Consciousness; A General Model for Metabolism; Nature of Space & Ultimate Reality; & The Quest for the Origin of Created Reality.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 8 (2013): Non-Dual Consciousness, Cosmic Order, Selfhood & Singularity

Precondition for the Occurrence of Non-Dual States of Consciousness; The Foundation of Consciousness and its Implications for Poetics; Universal Theories, Tests & Cosmic Order; & Singularity and Its Manifestation (Part I, II & III).

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 7 (2013): Quantum Mind & Nature of Consciousness

Seeing the Universe from the Inside Looking Out; Attention as a Litmus Test for the Quantum Mind Hypothesis; The Falsehood of the Materialists’ Mindless Evolution of Minds; Consciousness as a Fundamental Dimension of Reality; & Experiential Consciousness Research on the Physics of Now (Part I & II).

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 6 (2013): The Cosmology of Conscious Mental States & Geomagnetic Field Effects on Human Consciousness

The Cosmology of Conscious Mental States (Part I & II); Schumann Resonance, Psychophysical Regulation & Psi (Part I & II); The Sedona Effect: Correlations between Geomagnetic Anomalies, EEG; & Geomagnetic Field Effects & Human Psychophysiology (Part I & II).

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 5 (2013): The Experiential Basis of Maya & Quantum Jump Defining Moment of Consciousness

The Experiential Basis of Maya: How the Limitations Inherent in the Individual's Creation of Experience Function to Conceal the Nature of Reality (Part I & II); Comparison of TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness with Some Other Theories of Consciousness (Part I & II)

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 4 (2013): Consciousness in Action: Sentience, Experience, Meditation, Enlightenment & Compassion

Compassion, Performance & Programs for Excellence; Individual Experience & the Nature of Spiritual Bondage; The Role of Sentience in Self-Organization of the Universe; Plato’s Republic as Metaphor for Enlightenment; Minkowski Space & Consciousness; Power of Meditation: Materialization of Intentions.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 3 (2013): The System of the Cosmic Order & Universal Integration of Human Experience

Focus Issue Featuring the Explorations of Robert Campbell: Introduction to the System of the Cosmic Order; System 4 Terms; The Nervous System Part 1: Spinal Cord; The Nervous System Part 2: The Cerebellum; The Universal Integration of Human Experience; Inside Our Three Brains; Robotics & System 4.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Various Contents of Consciousness & Theories of Their Origins

The Creation of Happiness; Existential Cause & Experiential Effect; Holographic Dreams & the Value of Dream Work; The Fractal Nature of Active Sleep & Waking Dreams; Persinger Group's Experiments, Spin Network and TGD; A Proposal Concerning Phenomenal Judgments; Pineal Gland, DMT & Altered State of Consciousness.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Groundbreaking Results in Consciousness, Quantum Brain & Nonlocality Research by Michael Persinger's Group

This is a Special Issue featuring the latest research of Michael Persinger's Group: Congruence of Energies of Several Quantitative Measurements in the Brain Supports Spin-Based Consciousness; Demonstration of Entanglement of “Pure” Photon Emissions at Two Locations Sharing Specific Configurations of Magnetic Fields; Experimental Demonstration of Potential Entanglement of Brain Activity Over 300 Km for Pairs of Subjects Sharing Specific Configurations of Magnetic Fields; and Possible Origin of Particle-Wave Duality within Brain Space. A Perspective and News piece accompany this Special Issue.

The above photograph shows most people in Professor Michael Persinger's Neuroscience Research Group involved with consciousness research on site at Laurentian University: Top row (left to right): Joey Caswell, Brendan Lehaman, David Vares, Blake Dotta, Andrew Lapointe; Second row (left to right): Nirosha Murugan, Lukasz Karbowski, Kevin Saroka, Mandy Scott; Bottom row (left to right): Lucas Tessaro, Michael Persinger, Paula Corradini, Constance Reed, Lyndon Juden-Kelly; Absent: Ryan Burke, Mark Collins, Linda St-Pierre, Stanley Koren, Rob Lafrenie, Trevor Carniello.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 3, No 11 (2012): Nature of Consciousness Plus Colour & Its Influence

The Brain as a Receiver and Consciousness as a Fundamental, A Cosmogonic Model of Human Consciousness: Part I, II, III & IV, A New Approach to Creational and Human Intelligence Related to the Study of Colour and Its Influence: Part I & II, On the Subject of Consciousness in Samapatti.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vol 3, No 10 (2012): Quantum Aspect of Psychiatry & Foundation of Reality

Cell Membrane & Cytoskeleton in Quantum Aspect of Psychiatry, Foundation of Reality: Total Simultaneity, A Metaphysical Concept of Consciousness, Self-Awareness and Memory, Consciousness Dimensions & Quantum Non-locality.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition ( ISBN: 1481215361)

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Vol 3, No 8 (2012): On Quanta, Consciousness, Creativity, Natural Psychedelic State, Physical Realm & Paranthropology

A Possible Quantum Model of Consciousness, The Creative & Persecuted Minority, On the Consciousness Mapping of John C. Gowan, Extension of the Physical Realm, Reissner's Fiber, Quanta & Consciousness, A Transdisciplinary Look at Paranthropology.

Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or the Print Edition (ISBN: 1479252662)

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