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Gruza, Sy, none (United States)
Grynnsten, Henry (Sweden)
Grynnsten, Henry
Guertin, Pierre A., Dept. of Psychiatry & Neurosciences, Laval University, Canada (Canada)
Gulino, Grazia (Italy)
Gullapalli, Sarma N., Retired (United States)


Habe, Katarina, Faculty of Education, Univ. of Maribor (Slovenia)
Hadley, Mark, University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
Halvorsen, Einar L., Freelance (Germany)
Hankins, Peter, Conscious Entities (United Kingdom)
Hardy, Chris H., Eco-Mind Systems science (France)
Hari, Syamala (United States)
Hari, Syamala D. (United States)
Harp, Steven (United States)
Hashim, Hashim T., University of Baghdad / College of Medicine (Iraq)
Henrickson, Paul (Malta)
Hersch, Marc, 3Sigma Systems
Hersch, Marc, Three Sigma Systems (United States)
Hiller, Jack H., Retired division Chief Scientist, Northrop Grumman; retired Army Director of HFE, Training, and Human Systems Integration R&D and Studies, Pentagon (United States)
Hiller, Jack H., Retired division Chief Scientist, Northrop Grumman (United States)
Hiller, Jack Harold, Retired division Chief Scientist, Northrop Grumman (United States)
Hipolito, Maria, Howard University Hospital
Hobi, Shiloh F., The Embassy of Peace, Whitianga, NZ (New Zealand)
Holmberg, Ulf, Independent researcher (Sweden)
Holvenstot, Christopher, Independent Researcher in Consciousness Studies

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