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Sahner, David, Aeneas Medical Consulting, LLC
Saint-Mont, Uwe, Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Saint-Mont, Uwe
Salem, Kamel B., Department of Computer Science, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia (Tunisia)
Sanchez Cañizares, Javier
Santacroce, Nunzia (Italy)
Sarkar, Bidyut K. (India)
Sarkar, Bidyut K., Siliguri District Hospital (Retired) West Bengal Health Services Government of West Bengal India (India)
Saroka, Kevin
Saroka, Kevin S.
Saroka, Kevin S. (Canada)
Saxena, Sant Pyari (India)
Schübeler, Florian (New Zealand)
Schübeler, Florian, The Embassy of Peace, Whitianga, NZ (New Zealand)
Schenberg, Eduardo (Spain)
Schneider, Francis
Schouborg, Gary, Independent Researcher (United States)
Scott, Mandy A.
Scott, Mandy A. (Canada)
Sekhar, D. M. R., Wharton Overseas
Sellers, Julia
Sellers, Julia (Czech Republic)
Seward, Paul N., None (United States)
Sharkie, Matt (United States)
Sharma, Narendra Dutt, Retired from "Bhabha Atomic Research Centre", Department of Atomic Energy, Trombay, Mumbai, India (India)

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